Select language
Select language
A simple Photoshop plugin to translate your text layers to a different language.
Manual Install Mac or Windows?
- Download and open the zip-file
- In Finder, type Command + Shift + L to open your Library
- Move the unzipped folder to Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/
- If Photoshop is running, quit Photoshop
- Open Photoshop, where you'll find Kaku under
Window > Extensions > Kaku
- Download and open the zip-file
- Move the unzipped folder to \Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\ (Add the folder 'extensions' in case it doesn't exist)
- If Photoshop is running, quit Photoshop
- Open Photoshop, where you'll find Kaku under
Window > Extensions > Kaku
How to translate
- Select a text layer
- Set 'Original language' to the language your document uses
- Set 'Translate to' to the language you'd like to translate to.
- Click 'Add translation'
- See a new text layer with translated text be added to your document.